Sunday, December 29, 2019

Poverty Is An Inevitable Natural Phenomenon Essay

Poverty has become a prevalent economic issue throughout the regional countries. More and more people are suffering from hunger, poor health, depression and other related social problems. Thus, reducing poverty is one of the priority schemes of regional governments. This essay will argue that poverty in the Pacific cannot be completely eradicated but can be reduced. The essay will be divided into two sections. Firstly, it will provide reasons why it cannot be eradicated. Then it will suggest solutions in which poverty can be reduced. Poverty is an inevitable natural phenomena in the Pacific. This essay will firstly explain the factors that contribute to this problem. These factors are: unemployment, climate change inequality and health issues. One significant causes of poverty in the Pacific is high unemployment. Poor economic performance, rapid population growth and advance technology always affect unemployment. Youth unemployment rate is much higher in rural areas compared to urban areas because there is less economic developments. Hence, urbanization amongst youth is becoming a prevalent trend. According to the UNDP report, â€Å"young people are migrating from their villages to find jobs in cities, and the average youth unemployment rate is 23 percent (2014, p.1) There are many new jobs generated in urban areas but it is also very competitive. However, urbanization also generates a range of new problems that will affect a country socially, environmentally and economically.Show MoreRelatedPoverty - a Natural Inevitable Phenomenon1757 Words   |  8 Pagesâ€Å"Poverty is a natural phenomenon-it cannot be eradicated† Poverty dwells amidst the hungry, within the homeless, dealing with hardships of heat and frost. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Pop Art An Art Movement - 905 Words

Pop Art is an art movement that emerged in the 1950’s characterized by imagery from pop culture mostly on advertisements and news often using the sense of irony. This movement was more of a cultural revolution using vibrant colors and bold graphics to represent a statement and provide an instant meaning. It has a relation with the abstract expressionism, however it is clearer and has a comic book vibe. Pop art is not trying to confuse you and make you analyze its meaning, on the contrary, it wants the audience to have a clear message of the daily social, political and cultural changes occurring and how they impact society. The Philadelphia Museum of Art held the â€Å"International Pop† exhibit from February 24, 2016 through May 15, 2016. This exhibit focused on art from 1950’s to 1970’s were it explored bold and thought-provoking imagery, reliving a period influenced by social, political and cultural changes. This was a movement that crossed continents fr om Europe to America being distinct in every region. In this exhibit the artwork â€Å"John Fitzgerald Kennedy† by Sergio Lombardo awaked thoughts in my mind about the power of gestures, how it conveyed an audience and how it defines someone’s personality. Sergio Lombardo, an Italian artist, portrays black and white silhouettes of politicians and leaders. He re-created an immortal image of authoritative postures, and formal clothing of the figures, which preserve the unique presence of iconic leaders. Lombardo’s use of black andShow MoreRelatedThe Movement Of Pop Art991 Words   |  4 Pages The term ‘Pop Arts ‘was innovated in the mid-1950s and early 1960 s. Undoubtedly, the god father of this movement is Andy Warhol – the biggest influence on humanity s fixation on visual art. His performance traverses the connection among aesthetic utterance, culture and commercial. By applying various ways of techniques which included silk screen process (for mass production) and colour settlement, Warhol showed to the world of art his perspectives on media, economics and politics. Thus, thisRead MoreThe Pop Of Pop Art Movement Essay1579 Words   |  7 Pages Pop Art movement, centralised in the United States during the 1950s-60s, was a stage in the post modernism era in which the line between low art and high art was blurred and art was more accessible to the general public (Gambino, 2011). Andy Warhol was an iconic artist during the pop art movement alongside artists like Rauschenberg and Lichtenstein. The artworks, â€Å"Campbell’s Soup Cans† (1962) and â€Å"Marilyn Diptych† (1962), depict icons from two different contexts and illustrate the theme of overRead MorePop Art Movement Essay1127 Words   |  5 PagesThe Pop Art Movement was one of the biggest visual art movements of the 20th century. Therefore it is extremely significant. Pop Art is simply an abbreviation for popular art work. Numerous artists such as such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, James Rosenquist and Claes Oldenburg started this phenomenal movement form the 1950’s and onwards. It came at a time after a two decade period where abstract art was extremely popular. Pop Art is the movement in art when artists began to create art with theRead MoreThe Pop Art Movement Essay1303 Words   |  6 PagesThe Pop Art Movement Pop art got its name from Lawrence Alloway, who was a British art critic in 1950’s. The name â€Å"Pop Art† reflected on the â€Å"familiar imagery of the contemporary urban environment† (kleiner, 981). This art form was popular for its bold and simple looks plus its bright and vibrant colors. An example of this type of art is the oil painting done by Andy Warhol, â€Å"Marilyn Diptych† (Warhol, Marilyn Diptych) in 1962. The Pop art movement became known in the mid-1950 and continued asRead MoreWarhol And The Pop Art Movement2609 Words   |  11 PagesAndy Warhol being not simply a Pop artist, but an American artist who was known as the master of Pop Art, and about two of Warhol’s most famous paintings; Coca-Cola and Campbell’s Soup Cans. Andy Warhol was an artist and filmmaker, an initiator for the Pop Art movement in the 1960s. Warhol used mass production techniques to elevate art into the supposed unoriginality of the commercial cultur e of the United States. Warhol’s early drawings frequently recalls the Anglo-Saxon tradition of nonsense humorRead MoreThe Pop Art Movement Of The 1960 S1051 Words   |  5 PagesComing to the United States in the early 1950’ and reaching its peak of activity in the 1960’s would be Pop art. This type of art was everywhere, billboards, commercial products, and celebrity images. You see this type of art mostly in comic strips. This type of art celebrates the everydays items that people used. Pop art was the start of a new art movement, In the very beginning, PopArt began in Britain in the way early 1950s. says â€Å" The first application of the term PopArt occurredRead MoreThe Pop Art Movement : An International Phenomenon1438 Words   |  6 PagesThe Pop Art movement was an international phenomenon that began in the 1950’s in which artists like Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol sought to initiate fresh thinking in art. The term Pop Art is credited to the British art critic Lawrence Alloway and is short for â€Å"popular art† which referred to the popular mass culture and familiar imagery of the contemporary urban environment. This movement was a comment and expansion on the then popular ideas of the Abstract Impressionism movement. Fred S. KleinerRead MoreAndy Warhol s Influence On The Pop Art Movement1608 Words   |  7 PagesAndy Warhol, born Andrew Warhola on August 6, 1928, was one of the most successful artists within the pop art movement. At the age of 8, Warhol was diagnos ed with a rare, sometimes fatal, disease named Chorea. Also known as St. Vitus’s dance, a neurological disorder that is characterized by jerky involuntary movements affecting especially the shoulders, hips and face. Warhol, was left bedridden of several months, however during these months was when he found out about his talent for drawing. LaterRead MoreWarhol : A Artist And A Prominent Figure Into The Pop Art Movement1300 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Pop Art Movement. Andrew Warhola was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. From 1945 to 1949, Warhola studied at the Carnegie Institute of Technology. In 1949, he moved and settled in New York and changed his surname to Warhol. He then worked as a Commercial artist. In the earlier years of the 1960’s, Warhol enjoyed experimenting with large mass advertisements, magazines, and other images. In 1962, he started working on the Marilyn Monroe series, which was the beginning of his success as a Pop artistRead MoreAndy Warhol: Influence on the Twentieth Century Pop Art Movement1065 Words   |  5 PagesAs a profound influence on the twentieth century pop art movement, Andy Warhol ascended to become a cornerstone in the modern art world. After taking cues from society in the mid-twentieth century, as well as conversing with Muriel Latow, Warhol did what many artists strived to do but failed. Andy also extracted many of his ideas from other artists and built on them. He put a culture on canvas and revolutionized pop art for a life time. The nineteen sixties, seventies, and eighties were periods

Friday, December 13, 2019

Jackson, WY dream free essay sample

While sleeping in Jackson, Wyoming I found my passion for environmentalism. I first traveled to Jackson in 2008 with my seventh grade class on a two week long camping trip. I immediately felt at peace when I arrived surrounded by the Teton Mountains and that crisp blue sky. My class stayed four days and I wish I could relive every single one. Jackson was the first, and farthest, place I had ever traveled to without my family. That camping trip to Jackson changed me and it forced me to learn how to be scared and how to grow in ways that would make me a stronger person. Each day we were there we had guides to take us on hikes and to teach us about the ecosystems. I was fascinated by how mountains were formed and how to identify one tree species from another. Being there with my graduating class of forty helped bring our community even closer to one another, as if being on a two-week long camping trip wasn’t enough to bring a group of strangers together. We will write a custom essay sample on Jackson, WY dream or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I was growing in ways I thought I wasn’t capable of. I was so young, and yet I felt more grounded than ever. I knew that I had found my path in life. I knew that visiting Jackson, Wyoming sparked a passion in me that simply could not be put out. And four years later I can proudly say that that flame still burns bright. I still get giddy when talking about environmental policy and I still dream of those Teton Mountains every night praying that one day I will return to them. These days I express my passion for nature through volunteering in my community garden as garden manager every summer, being a member of the YEA! MN Steering Committee under the Will Steger Foundation, as well as being the leader of the green team at my school. When I returned to Jackson with my family in the summer of 2009 the mountains, the culture, and the people were as beautiful as I had remembered. My family spent five days in Jackson and they were some of the best days of my life. I told my family a bout my adventures in Jackson and they could clearly see the joy in my eyes. To have found my passion in life is the most motivating and inspiring thing that could ever happen to me. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll change my mind about environmentalism, but when I think of spending the rest of my life trying to protect the Earth I can’t help but get shivers down my spine. It moves my soul and traveling to Jackson, Wyoming helped show me how important community, sustainability, and protecting our environment is to me.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Culture, Ritual and Theatrical Performance Essay Example For Students

Culture, Ritual and Theatrical Performance Essay Performance studies is sort of a discipline that works with other fields. These are anthropology, gender studies, folklore, religion even art and more. Eventually none of those disciplines can’t work on their own. Like Performance Studies need to establish its roots on those branches. It examines artistic performances and cultural performances. Traditions and rituals seem take part in our cultures however they shape our daily life. Rituals are divided into two parts. First one is sacred and the second one is secular. Sacret rituals are called religious performances. Like praying, sacrificing, fasting, baptism. Secular rituals are our daily life routines and duties. Every human being performs consciously and unconsciously. Individuals are supposed to perform according to their jobs and situations. At the same time one can perform as a doctor and also as a father. And also some of those performances could be both sacred and secular. Both performances is divided into two transportations and transformations. Transportation performances don’t last too long just a couple of hours or less like praying, dancing and meditating. However transformation performances are permanent like getting married and puberty. These performances take a part in cultures. In everyday life people act according to their cultural rituals. As a secret ritual Christians go to church on Sunday, Muslims go to mosque on Fridays, Jewish go to synagogue. They perform according to what they believe in. Carnivals and dances could be secret. In Islamic culture, Sufi whirling is kind of religious ritual but it seems like dancing. Sufis while spinning their around start to go into a trance and abandon their egos, personal desires for desiring God. This movement symbolizes of the planets which take place in Solar System. In American Indian culture dance has a different place in their culture. In 19th century Ghost Dance was performed for communicating with death people. Meal times and feasts can be both secular and secret. It depends on the cultures and people’s beliefs. Instance, now in USA and Canada Thanksgiving Day is dedicated for families and God. Being together, preparing meal and having it with family is the aim of the day. On the other hand in the past, Thanksgiving Day was celebrated for different reasons. The European family who came for dwelling in America were very hungry and tired. American Indians helped them. Then this day started to celebrated in this way. At first Thanksgiving Day seemed to be secular though for the time being it became a secret ritual. On the other hand in Islamic culture sacrificing requires sharing your meal with the poor and having huge feasts with relatives and other guests. As a another cultural difference death and burial rituals. Nearly all of the cultures the death body is got dressed, cleaned and prepared for the burying. Some of the other cultures prefer to burn the body. In the seasons, Japan culture celebrates spring with cherry blossoms. They call these flowers as Sakura. In Turkey it is celebrated with jumping over the fire and wishing something good. Apart from Turkey the other cultures do the same thing for different reasons. Sports can be ritual as well. Bullfighting in Spain, Sumo in Japan in addition to those specific sports the other sports are rituals. On the contrary to secret rituals one can perform secular. Those performances are having sex, shopping at supermarket, celebrations, giving a present. To conclude culture is not universal but local. Every culture has their own unique rituals and performances. While one culture celebrating spring others don’t. Generally these cultural performances date back to nation’s background and their religion. Even they share the same religion because of their nations they dont perform rituals. In this point rituals manipulate us in this life. .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16 , .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16 .postImageUrl , .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16 , .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16:hover , .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16:visited , .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16:active { border:0!important; } .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16:active , .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16 .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf8863d8283a4a9a728a97eca8d94de16:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The End of Acting: A Radical View EssayBibliography: Performance studies : an introductionAuthor :Schechner, Richard 2002

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Life Of Andy Warhol Essay Sample Example For Students

The Life Of Andy Warhol Essay Sample Never before have I encountered more intriguing works of art than those done by Andy Warhol. I have been curious about his life ever since I saw his work in Milwaukee. I saw his famous work of the Campbells Soup Can. By viewing this, one can tell he is not your average artist. Im sure his life is full of interesting events that shaped him into who he was. As an artist myself, I would like to get to know the background of his life. I may then be able to appreciate his styles and understand why and how his works were created. His life is as interesting as his artistic masterpieces. We will write a custom essay on The Life Of Andy Warhol Sample specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Andrew Warhola his original name was born one of three sons of Czech immigrants, somewhere in Pennsylvania on either August 6, 1928 or on September 28, 1930 the date on his birth certificate. His father died when Andy was at a very young age. Thus, it forced Andy into a deep depression containing lack of self confidence. Much of his young life has been kept secret. However, he did report being very shy and depressed because he never felt comfortable with his homosexuality. His childhood life may have been full of the torture that children threw at him for being the different person he was. He was able to attend college. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in pictorial design from Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1949, he went to New York City with Philip Pearlstein, who was a fellow student that later became a well-known realist painter. In 1960, Warhol finally began to paint in earnest and to view art seriously as a career. He began his career with commercial drawings of womens shoes. In 1961, an early manifestation was his Dick Tracy, an enlarged version of the comic strip that was placed in the window of Lord Taylors department store. He followed in his own footsteps to keep going in the ever-so-famous pop art track. Warhols use of images are so close to the images themselves, thanks to the photographic silkscreen technique, which is a process of applying the same image over and over again without changing the original. In 1963, he began turning film into his next aesthetic. He was the recorder of the world around him. Warhol saw this world as populated by hustlers of various sorts, motivated largely by money and the goods it would buy. Later that next year, he started to experiment in underground film. In the late 70s he began to use sex and nudity to gain attention in his films. Whether this was moral or not; it did, however, work. The rest of his short life was spent visiting with celebrities and keeping up with the worlds times. He tried to understand how the rest of the world saw things, but just never got there. Sadly, Warhol died of a heart failure on March 9, 1987, still wearing his famous blond hair wig. Andys diaries are not actual written records of his day to day accounts, but they are audio recordings of his phone conversations to Pat Hackett every Monday through Friday from Wednesday, November 24, 1976 to Tuesday, February 17, 1987, just weeks before his death. Warhol originally intended these daily records to be documentation of his minor business expenses. He was just audited and felt the need to be extra careful. In a word it was a diary. But whatever its broader objective, its narrow one, to satisfy tax auditors, was always on my mind Warhol xvi. Later on, he felt the diaries were a great way to explain his everyday occurrences for more than a decade of his life. This view of his life from his eyes is probably the most balanced view ever given. He may have changed since the 60s, but it is still the truest representation of Andy, himself. .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc , .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc .postImageUrl , .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc , .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc:hover , .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc:visited , .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc:active { border:0!important; } .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc:active , .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub710d2cce456005568d110e0132f4ccc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Film Analysis The Life of David Gale EssayHe never expressed the key happenings of his life; its as if we, the readers, already knew them. He just usually mentions the quick everyday type things such as a cab ride to uptown New York. The first major influence on Andy Warhols life was the stepping stone of his artistic career, his enrollment in and completion of Carnegie Institute of Technology with a bachelor degree in pictorial design. After graduating he moved out to New York City, where his life blossomed. He lived for a couple of years with Philip Pearlstein, who he had met at school. Warhol, with his education centered around design, set out to begin his career on the right foot. He started doing drawings for advertisements in a womens shoe catalog. It may not have been much to brag about, but it was at least something he could learn and gain from the experience given to him. Andy may have acquired his use of media exploited images through his beginning attempts at commercialism. He knew what sold to society, whether he agreed with it or not. He continued on with simplified pop art and he made it famous. He is the person most people think about when pop art is mentioned. Through his advertising projects, he was conditioned to think only in glorification of people, products, and style. One of his popular works, the silkscreen of the Campbells Soup Can, is an example of this. It is an image that everyone is familiar with, and it is so common that sometimes it is overlooked. Many times, Andy took something simple and glorified it. This is how he made his designing skills useful in promotion. One would compare Warhol to the pictorial hyper-realism of Norman Rockwell, and to the surrealism of Marcel Duchamp, and the radicalism of Jasper Johns Sagan 1. A second major influence in Andy Warhols life is his participation in the underground film scene. It started in 1963, when he called himself the recorder of society around him Moritz 590. He would find people for his movies in a club-type warehouse called Maxs Kansas City. Every night, celebrities of art, fashion, music, and underground film-making crowds gathered in the back corners of Maxs to try their chance at working with Warhol. In 1968, he was nearly killed by a woman who was in one of his short films. She shot him on the side of his chest, but fortunately he was not killed. He still continued to make films; such famous ones are Eat, Haircut, Sleep, Kiss, and Empire. He would make them boring on purpose to possibly prove a point. Again it was glorifying something thought of as being extremely pointless. In the late 70s he began to use sex and nudity, featuring films concerning sexual bondage. He may have been simply looking for a shock value content. Many artists work off shock value, it takes only the true to admit it and still continue with it. The last and most important influence on Warhol was his mother, Julia Warhola. When Andy first arrived in New York, he would share apartments with friends and acquaintances. Eventually he could afford a place of his own. Then his mother suddenly arrived in town and moved in with him. Her reason was to look after him. She would constantly keep an eye out for a wife for Andy. Little did she know he was interested in the opposite sex for marriage. Andy appreciated his mother, and never wanted to explain how she had an impact on him. Maybe it was the fact that she meant well, and tried her hardest to take care of him. She lived with him on 89th Street and Lexington Avenue until 1971. By then, suffering from senility, she required constant care and Andy sent her back to Pittsburgh to be cared for by his two brothers, John and Paul. After suffering a stroke, she died in her nursing home in 1972. Andy did not except the fact too kindly. He would even go as far to say his mother was doing fine, when people would ask about her, even though she had already passed away. Andy stayed quiet and tried to hide himself from the rest of society. He would avoid emotional interaction as much as he could. .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41 , .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41 .postImageUrl , .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41 , .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41:hover , .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41:visited , .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41:active { border:0!important; } .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41:active , .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41 .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7e8a650436e7ac6f8302df14ebd4de41:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Procrastination And Sloth The Spice Of Life? EssayHe did this so he could shrink away from human touch Moritz 591. A man who started his life shy and uncomfortable, blossomed into an outspoken artist, now finished his life with feelings even worse than the beginning of his life. After extensive research I found that Andy had much more to his life than I had originally expected. He was involved in the classic rock band The Velvet Underground, with famous singer Lou Reed. He actually even designed a few of the album covers. Most people remember the self-entitled album with the picture of a banana on it. Directly to the left of the banana read the words peel me. If one would peel it, it would reveal the pink insides of a banana. Truly a work of Andy, I must say. Another thing I found was that Andy was not only homosexual, but he was omnisexual. It was rumored he had no problem with sex with anyone or anything. Men, women, animals, you name it, it was probably thought of. And last of all I found he was unusually kind and appreciative to others, especially the ones who worked for him. Pat Hackett, his editor, once said that she has never met a person who says thank you as much as Andy does. Not once have I been more informed on a persons life. In the beginning I thought I knew a lot about. This research on Andy Warhol definitely reinforced my positive view of him. It may have possibly enhanced my appreciation for him as well. I enjoyed the honesty of the entire diary. Nothing was hidden from the reader and I felt as informed as a good friend of his would feel. His life is an interesting one and I believe more people should try to investigate other lives of the unusual. It expands your own viewpoints to accept those of others. Many critics have different viewpoints on Warhols autobiography. He was still appreciated by those who understood his ideas. But he had to have had some sense of history, or he wouldnt have left the diaries behind to try to explain everything to future generations Plagens 1732. Some realize that the diaries are rather boring, but seem to see the true Andy come through in the entries. Despite their virtuoso triviality, their naive snobbery and their incredible length, the diaries are not without a certain charm Amis 1732. Others saw the diaries as a simplistic record of events. His diaries are more or less just records of who went where and did what with whom, that anybody else whod been along could have kept Plagens 1732. Its too bad he didnt start the diaries earlier in his life, such as the 60s, when it would have been more interesting to know what he did and whom he was with, instead of waiting until 1976 to begin Plagens 1732. Some even complained of the editing job done by Pat H ackett. One problem with the diaries is their postmodern polish, such as the casual proofreading and editing Trebay 1732. The reason the editor didnt fit up to par was the mere fact she wanted it to sound how Andy explained the day. still the book is great social history with its lip-smacking tales of loveless, sexless marriages, its gimlet-eyed view of other peoples success, and its rampant unclosetings Trebay 1732. I, myself, found the book very entertaining and a great nonchalant look at the famous and their everyday lives. It may have been organized better and condensed a bit, but none-the-less it was still interesting and kept me reading.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Water, Land and Air Pollution Essays

Water, Land and Air Pollution Essays Water, Land and Air Pollution Paper Water, Land and Air Pollution Paper Essay Topic: Air pollution Water pollution Water pollution Water pollution is usually caused by human activities. Different human sources add to the pollution of water. There are two sorts of sources, they mostly come from pipelines or sewers and then into the surface water. Nonprofit sources are sources that cannot be traced to a single site of discharge. Examples some sources are: factories, sewage treatment plants, underground mines, oil wells, oil tankers and agriculture, acid deposition room the air, traffic, pollutants that are spread through rivers and pollutants that enter the water through groundwater. Water pollution can have a drastic impact on aquatic life in any body of water, which can result in the complete elimination Of certain species. Chemical compounds can be toxic to aquatic life Land pollution Land pollution is the demolition of Earths land surfaces often caused by human activities and their misuse of land resources. It occurs when waste is not disposed properly. Health hazard disposal of urban and industrial wastes, exploitation of minerals, and improper use of soil by inadequate agricultural. Primarily caused by industrial contamination, land pollution is a global problem. Becoming aware of the many ways that land becomes polluted, and recognizing the harmful effects of land pollution, is an important step in understanding how it can be remedied. Air pollution Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals or biological materials that cause arm to humans or other living organisms, or cause damage to the natural environment or built environment, into the atmosphere. Air pollution presents big environmental threat in many parts of the world. Air pollution includes variety of different harmful chemicals and gases released from our vehicles and our industrial facilities that make our air dirty. Vehicles are the biggest source of air pollution. Air pollution has extremely negative effect on our environment.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mirrors by Lucy Grealy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mirrors by Lucy Grealy - Essay Example While she was 9 years, Grealy suffered jaw cancer therefore forcing a part of her right side jaw to be removed. She underwent 30 surgeries as a way of reconstructing her face and so in her story mirror, she talks about the perceptions and obsessions people have of beauty which demonstrates how the society at large is. She had the belief that if the surgeries would eventually fully reconstruct her face, she could be happy as she would be a normal person just like the rest of the world. In an article written by Michelle Wittle inside the mind of a writer she talks about Grealy’s article. Wittle talks positively about the manner in which Grealy’s article is talking about the challenges people go though in their day to day life as a result of their self image. She puts emphasis on the way people define the lives they live in terms of what they see in the mirror. Wittle is proud of the way Grealy at last is able to face her worst fears and looks in the mirror seeing positive things. â€Å"I am a big victim of this theory† (Wittle, 2010). Wittle can relate to Grealy’s story as she herself has let other people define her according to her looks; or how she should live her life just because they say so. She therefore does not condemn Grealy because of the fears she faced with her self image. She compares herself to Grealy by saying that she herself has learnt of how to soul-search herself and live her life instead of living the way others want to â€Å"Like Grealy, I am learning to look at myself on the inside† (Wittle 2010).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

E-Business and Value Chains Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

E-Business and Value Chains - Essay Example This paper will seek to develop e-value and e-customer chains in terms of e-business to show the means by which information technology (IT) has been influencing the Virgin Atlantic Airways apparel business innovation, transformation, and development among other benefits (Godwin, 2009:4). Additionally, this paper will focus on opportunities brought about by electronic business and asses strengths as well as weaknesses experienced by this organization due to information technology. Changes in supply chain management practices of Virgin Atlantic Airways Virgin Atlantic Airways is an acclaimed leader in the aviation industry. Being the first airline to introduce or launch customer for the Airbus A340-600, it accords its name a great deal of success and innovation (Buhalis, 2003:7). This airline revolutionized the business when it created the Upper Class ‘Suite’ and started offering regular services to 25 destinations globally. With development of internet, the supply chain m anagement and practices of this airline transformed. This is because; information communication technologies transformed the entire business world of aviation. In particular, the airline industry fostered its dependency on technology due to its strategic and operational management. Virgin Atlantic Airways was an early adopter of information communication technolo

Monday, November 18, 2019

Smart phones effect teenagers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Smart phones effect teenagers - Essay Example These phones provide ideal environment to those young people who want to stay connected to their friends all the time. The public transport that is commonly used and ride provided by the parents to their children has provided good time for children to get connected to social cite by use of Smartphone’s. Some of the effects include teens not sleeping at night due to phone vibration due to text messages, these activates the mind distracting the sleep hence bringing issues of sleep during the day. These have forced many parents to forbid phones during bedtime and homework time. Many school has burned the use of Smartphone’s in class because student will be tempted to open the social sites and sometimes the phone will ring hence causing distraction teaching. The phones has both negative and positive impacts on the teens, this research explains how Smartphone’s have gotten into teens live, their effects, both positive and negative impacts. The article explains that smarthphones has grown from business work tools into addictive devices. Before, the phones was used to check mail and serf the web but right now it has developed into a powerful tool for accessing social websites such as twiteeter and facebook and it has end up having several effects on the children. The article further explains if teenagers requires smarthphones and whether this constant connection and accessibility to these devices are necessary. The book explains how Americans teens use internet as a source of normal socialization through Smartphone’s. It shows and explains the statistics conducted by pew internet in 2000. The survey shows that 91% use internet and social networking sites to stay in touch with friends and 72% use to make plan with friends, all these is done through the Smartphone. The article explains that the use of smarthphones among the teens

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Financial Analysis Of 3m Finance Essay

A Financial Analysis Of 3m Finance Essay Currently, 3M operates in more than 65 countries. The company produces a large variety of products, such as: adhesives, abrasives, laminates, passive fire protection, dental products, electronic materials, electronic circuits and optical films. 3M started operating on the North Shore of Lake Superior in Two Harbors, Minnesota in 1902. Five businessmen (Henry S. Bryan, Hermon W. Cable, John Dwan, William A. McGonagle, Dr. J. Danley Budd) came together to mine a mineral deposit used for manufacturing grinding-wheels. As it turned out, the deposit didnt have much of a value, so they opted to concentrate on sandpaper products. In 1914, 3M launched its first exclusive product: Three-M-ite cloth. Few other innovative products followed: waterproof sandpaper, masking tape, and the very well known Scotch brand tape. In 1929, 3M decided to expand its business internationally and started operating in Europe. The same year, the companys stock was first traded over the counter. In 1946 the company went public on the New York Stock Exchange (ticker symbol MMM). The company is a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average and of the SP 500.  [1]   1.2 Company Profile 3M Company is an American transnational enterprise based in Maplewood, Minnesota, and represents one of the major players in the conglomerate industry. Below are presented some of the highlights that compose the companys profile: 3M Co.  [2]   3-M Center St Paul, MN  55144-1000 Index Membership: Dow Jones Composite Dow Industrials SP 100 SP 500 SP 1500 Super Comp Sector: Conglomerates Industry: Conglomerates Employees (last reported count): 74,835 1.2.1 Organizational Structure 3Ms general offices and research laboratories are located in St. Paul, Minnesota. Locally, 3M has nine sales offices and operates 74 manufacturing facilities. Outside the United State, 3M has 148 sales offices and 93 manufacturing .3M owns all of its physical properties.  [3]   Key Executive: Bellow, there are presented few of the key people that are currently running this enterprise: Mr. George W. Buckley, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President Mr. Patrick D. Campbell, Chief Financial Officer and Senior VP Mr. Inge G. Thulin, Executive VP of International Operations Mr. Brad T. Sauer, Executive VP of Health Care Business Mr. Jean Lobey, Executive VP of Safety Security Protection Services Business.  [4]   2. Major lines of business  [5]   3M serves its customers through six business segments: 1. Consumer and Office (15% of total sales). 3M is providing its customers with a large variety of products such as house cleaning materials and office supplies. Some of the most popular ones are: Post-it ®, Scotch ®, Scotch-Brite ®, Filtreteà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢, O-Cel-Oà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢, Nexcareà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢, and Commandà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ 2. Display and Graphics (13.5%). As a top technological innovator, 3M provides its customers with products such as: display enhancement films; reflective materials, graphics, and projection systems. 3. Electro and Communications (9.8%). Due to its continuous innovative efforts, 3M managed to provide solutions for customers in many fields: electrical, electronics and communications. They contribute to reliable sources of electrical power, high-performance electronic devices, and reliable, high speeds telecommunications network. 4. Health Care (18.6%). 3M is considered a global leader in medical and oral care products, drug delivery and health information systems, providing its customers with innovative and trustful products that help care professionals improve the quality of care services. 5. Industrial and Transportation (30.8%) The company supplies a large variety of innovative products such as tapes, abrasives, adhesives, specialty materials and filtration systems to different markets: from automotive to aerospace to renewable energy to electronics. 6. Safety, Security and Protection Services (13.8%). 3Mproducts-personal protective equipment, safety and security products, substantially contribute to the safety, security and productivity of people, facilities and systems around the world. 1.3 Operating Strategies 1.3.1 Mission Statements and Management Objectives: The main mission statement and management objectives, as presented in the companys annual report are: Demonstrate uncompromised honesty and integrity in all activities and relationships. Promote individual initiative , innovation and leadership, Establish and maintain a culture dominated by fairness and trust, where respect and responsibility, are valued and recognized. Create a safe workplace for 3M employees. Satisfy customers with high quality products and services. Provide investors with an attractive return. Respect the social and physical environment worldwide. 1.3.2 Business model and Strategies 3M business model is based on the ability to not only develop unique products, but also to manufacture them efficiently and consistently around the world (3M).   [6]   3M is a diversified technology enterprise with an international presence in different businesses, such as: industrial and transportation, healthcare, display and graphics, consumer and office, safety, security and protection services, and electro and communications. The industrial and transportation business includes products such as food and beverage, personal care, and automobiles. Industrial products include polyester, foil, and tape. Transportation sector provides the market with different types of insulation components and catalytic converters. The health care segment produces supplies and equipment for medical and dental use. The display and office business supplies stationary products, and home-improvement products. Besides the already mentioned business sections, 3M also manages a safety segment and an electro and communications segment. In order to remain a respected leader in its field, 3M employs a series of strategies. The company is continuously trying to increasing market share and the popularity of their brands. Also they make significant efforts to maintain existing customers and attract new ones. This is a very important issue considering the number of substitute products currently available on the market. Besides the already mentioned strategies that 3M employs in order to run a successful business, they also practice a very interesting hedging strategy .Instead of concentrating on a single industry, 3M operations are spread over a large variety of sectors. So, at any point in time, the effect of a slow growth sector is counteracted by the prosperity of another sector. Due to this hedging strategy, the company stock price manages to maintain relative stability.  [7]   Also, they continue to spend significant amount of funds on RD, which is critical for their image as a leading innovator, pay dividends, buy back stock and raise shareholders equity, the chief aim being the ability to offer a good return to all their investors. This is a solid company, with a very high degree of liquidity in an extremely good financial health. Another strategy that makes 3M well known is there acquisition strategies. On an average, the company performs ten to twenty acquisitions every year. This enables 3M to continuously grow, penetrate new markets and explore new technologies. Other strategies that 3M employs refer to continuous innovation, in order to introduce new products to various markets that company operate in, gaining market share in the existing markets and aiming to become more and more important to the end customers. 1.4 SWOT Analysis SWOT is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a business.  [8]   3M SWOT analysis:  [9]   Strengths: The company operates in a large variety of business sectors: industrial and transportation, healthcare, display and graphics, consumer and office, safety, security and protection service, electro and communication. Strong research and development capabilities. (According to 3M 2009 Annual Report, the company spent more than a billion dollars in RD). Multinational presence. The company operates more than 65 countries. Solid financial condition. (A complete Income Statement and Balance Sheet are presented in the annexes). Weaknesses: Low inventory turnover, which impacts inventories and margins. Some key segments are registering inferior performance. Strong and aggressive competitors. Opportunities: Acquisitions in key operating areas. 3M performs an average of 20 acquisitions every year. Continued global expansion. Healthcare spending levels in the US are increasing. Security concerns caused by a weak US economy, combined with some unfortunate events that are threatening the safety of American people, (9/11/2001, N1H1 virus infection) brings new opportunities for 3M security business. Threats: The fluctuation of commodity and energy prices (increasing).In order to mitigate this risk, the company is engaging in a multitude of forward physical contracts and price agreements. Exchange rates fluctuations. The company operates worldwide, so the exchange rates and any fluctuations of it may negatively impact the companys results. Environmental regulations. People are becoming more and more aware of the importance of respecting the environment. Any new rules and regulation may require additional funds to be invested in order to work green. 1.5 Core competencies A core competence represents the companys collective knowledge about how to coordinate diverse production skills and technologies (C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel).  [10]   3M runs an extremely diversified business, spread over numerous sectors: industrial, transportation, display and graphics, security etc. In order to manage and keep all this different types of businesses together, the company holds competencies in substrate, coating and adhesives. Besides possessing these competencies, the company also created a multitude of ways to share and apply them. The result of such combination of technology, skills and knowledge, allows 3M to participate on a multitude of businesses and markets. The literature points out that the core competencies of any company should benefit the end customer of the product and should be very difficult to copy by the competitors. 3M is aware that the stronger the customer perception in recognizing the superiority of their products, the less likely the threats of substitutes. The company makes continuous efforts to differentiate its products among the multitude of similarities offered by the competitors and their efforts are successful due to the fact that they are supplying high quality, innovative and reliable products at competitive prices. Moreover, it is a companys core competencies that keeps the businesses together. This aspect is crucial for 3M, as the company operates in multiple business sectors, worldwide. It seems that 3M fully understood this concept and its enormous advantages, because they are investing consistently in their core competencies and ability to innovate, the chief aim being to provide the market and the end customers with innovative products that really stand out. 2. Industry analysis 2.1 Industry Definition, Structure and Major Competitors. The Industrial Conglomerate industry consists of large organizations engaged in multiple business lines within the industrial sector, where at least two business lines comprise a substantial portion of the companys total operation (The New York Times, Oct 1, 2010).  [11]  The industrial conglomerate industry contains the following sectors: Basic Materials, Consumer Cyclical, Consumer Non-Cyclical Energy, Health care, Industrials and Transportation, Technology, Telecommunication, Utilities. Exhibit1. Direct Competitor Comparison  [12]   MMM AVY DD JNJ Industry Market Cap: 63.58B 4.02B 42.30B 174.16B 9.47B Employees: 74,835 31,300 58,000 115,500 28.26K Qtrly Rev Growth (yoy): 17.70% 15.40% 21.80% 0.60% 14.50% Revenue (ttm): 25.39B 6.31B 30.43B 62.59B 10.28B Gross Margin (ttm): 48.78% 28.26% 29.94% 69.98% 33.80% EBITDA (ttm): 7.03B 695.10M 5.42B 19.70B 1.63B Operating Margin (ttm): 23.18% 6.96% 13.08% 26.90% 12.29% Net Income (ttm): 3.94B 250.90M 3.13B 13.53B N/A EPS (ttm): 5.48 2.37 3.43 4.84 1.92 P/E (ttm): 16.28 16.04 13.60 13.06 19.15 PEG (5 yr expected): 1.28 1.44 1.61 2.09 1.28 P/S (ttm): 2.50 0.63 1.38 2.78 1.27 AVY = Avery Dennison Corporation produces pressure-sensitive materials, office products, tickets, tags, labels, and other converted products. DD = EI DuPont de Nemours Co. (DuPont) operates as a science and technology company worldwide. JNJ =Johnson Johnson engages in the research and development, manufacture, and sale of various products in the health care field worldwide. The company operates in three segments: Consumer, Pharmaceutical, and Medical Devices and Diagnostics. Industry = Conglomerates Exhibit2. Comparison between 3M, the Conglomerate Industry and the direct competitors, benchmarked against DOW and SP 500. Source: 2.2 Industry profitability and growth. In order to get an idea about the main characteristics of the players in this industry, I have selected few key statistics. The financial indicators listed bellow shows the fact that this are large companies, highly leveraged (most of them), providing the investors with a small to average return. Market Capitalization: 366B Price / Earnings: 13.5 Price / Book: 4.1 Net Profit Margin: 7.5% Price to Free Cash Flow: 27.4 Return on Equity: 12.5% Total Debt / Equity: 242.3 Dividend Yield: 2.4% Exhibit 3. Comparison between the evolution of 3M common stock and the industry. Source: 2.3 PEST Analysis of the External Factors affecting the Industry PEST analysis stands for Political, Economic, Social, and Technological analysis and describes a framework of macro-environmental factors used in the environmental scanning component of strategic management.  [13]  Performing such an analysis and applying the findings will give any company a significant competitive advantage. The model identifies four factors that have a major impact on the companys macroeconomic environment:  [14]   Political Economical Social Technological Political Factors: Among the most significant political factors that can affect 3Ms business are: tax policies, employment laws, environmental regulations, trade restrictions and tariffs, and political stability. 3M is making all the necessary investments in order to comply with these laws. In 2009, 3M spent around $15 million for projects regarding the protection of the environment. The mentioned funds have provided among other things, pollution control devices at all its properties. Economical Factors: economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates, inflation rate. Due to large geographical presence, and the fact that 63 percent of its revenue is generated from outside the United States, the companys results may be affected by exchange rates and their fluctuation. In order to mitigate this risk, the company engages in a multitude of forward contracts. Also, the Companys business may be negatively affected by other factors, both internal and external that are beyond its control, such as instability and downturns in financial markets or economies in some countries or regions, in which the Company operates. Social Factors: population growth rate, age distribution, health and safety awareness, career attitude. 3M, through its business policies is aiming to create a safe workplace, to encourage individual initiative and innovation in an atmosphere of flexibility, cooperation and trust, promoting a culture where promise keeping, fairness, respect and personal accountability are valued, encouraged and recognized.  [15]   Technological Factors: RD activities, automation, technology incentives, rate of technological change. Research and development activities constitute an important part of 3Ms business and have been a significant contributor to the companys sales growth. Research, development expenses accounted for $1.2 billion in 2009, $1.4 billion in 2008 and $1.3 billion in 2007.  [16]   2.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis of the Industry Competition Porters five forces is a framework for the industry analysis developed by Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School in 1979 .The model is based on the idea that competitive advantage came from the ability to earn a return on investment that was better than the average for the industry sector(Thurlby,1998). The model identifies five forces which would impact on an organizations behavior in a competitive market: The rivalry between existing sellers in the market. The threat of new entrants on the market. The threat of substitute products available in the market The bargaining power of the suppliers. The power of the customers in the market. Full comprehensions of each of these five forces and the impact they have on the companys business, provide organizations with the necessary information to enable them to choose the right operating strategy in order to be successful in their market.  [17]   2.4.1. The rivalry between existing sellers in the market The conglomerate industry, although very complex, extending over a multitude of business, seems to be dominated by few key players, and 3M Co is one of them. In order to gain competitive advantage, 3M is aiming to stay ahead of the trend by continuously providing the market with new products and technologies. Given its strong balance sheet, the company is able to react fast to any negative changes in the market (lower the price of its products), in order to maintain existing customers and attract new ones. Moreover, in facing competition the company is offering well differentiated products, well known and trustful brands, the chief aim being extra value added products and services for the end customers. 2.4.2. The Threat of new entrants The threat of new entrants is dictated by the market entry barriers. The entry barriers exist whenever it is difficult or not economically feasible for an outsider to replicate the incumbents position (Porter, 1980b; Sanderson, 1998). Such barriers refer to: Cost of entry: In order to enter this industry and compete against the existing firms, the cost of capital required would be extremely high. 3M is a well known company, with an aggressive mergers and acquisition strategy, holding an impressive market share. Distribution channels: 3M products are sold through numerous distribution channels, including wholesalers, retailers, and dealers in many countries around the world. The company has established a large and very well defined distribution network, developed through long association with skilled marketing and sales representatives. Cost advantages not related to the size of the company, like contacts and expertise play a major role in the companys performance. Government legislations: for example, introduction of new laws might weaken companys competitive position; 3M had to improve their environmental performance via new environmental, health and safety policies in order to comply with new government standard and regulations. Many times this requires additional funds, changes into production processes, products, and that some firms may find it difficult to do so without increasing the prices of their products and services. Differentiation: 3M is a well known brand that already gained customer respect and loyalty and the products that represent this company have a high ratio of value to price. 2.4. 3. The Threat of Substitutes Products available on the market Although the threat of substitutes in this sector is high, due to the fact that there is a large number of a substitute product available in the market, 3M products differentiate themselves through superior quality and innovativeness. The firm invests strongly in RD, in order to insure that they deliver extra -added value products, and the existing customers will not be tempted to choose from the many available substitutes. Other aspects that should be considered when trying to mitigate the risk of losing customers to substitute products refer to: relative price performance of substitute, buyer switching costs, ease of substitution, substandard product, and quality depreciation. 2.4.4. The bargaining power of suppliers In the conglomerate industry, the power of supplier is relatively modest, due to the fact that the companies in this industry are very large corporations. This companies act on an international scale, having access to an increase number of suppliers and the buying is done in bulk, immense quantities. There is still some risk regarding the price fluctuation of commodities, like oil, oil derivatives, energy, due to possible shortage. 3M is trying to mitigate this risk engaging in prices agreements and forward physical contracts. 2.4.5. The bargaining power of buyers. When trying to assess the power of buyers, two aspects need to be considered: size and concentration of the customers correlated with the concentration of the competitors. In the conglomerate industry, the bargaining power of the buyers is relatively high due to the fact that all the players in the market are targeting the same customers via similar products. Also, the end customers are more and more informed, and their expectations are continuously growing. Another aspect that should be considered in this case is that the cost of switching between suppliers is relatively low. A buyer has many options; therefore 3M makes a continuous effort to insure that their products are permanently aligned with customer preferences and needs. 2.5 Summary The nature of competition in an industry is strongly affected by the above mentioned forces. As a rule we can state that, whenever buyers and suppliers have high degrees of power, the result translates into a high competitive industry. The industry of conglomerate is moderate to high competitiveness, due to the fact that new entries are difficult (high capital requirements), but this effect is counteracted by the fact that the players in this sector are extremely large and diversified corporations, with solid resources and very aggressive financial strategies. 3. Economic Outlook 3.1 Global Outlook There is no doubt that we are on the path of economical recovery, but the speed of things moving in the right direction is slow, considering the severity of the financial crisis. In advanced economies, such as U.S., small improvements in labor markets, housing markets, and corporate bonds market generated some positive developments in the overall economy. In the emerging and developing economies, (such as China, India, and Brazil) the recovery process seems to be much faster. Even among the advanced economies, the recovery process happens at different speeds, depending of the way that the local government has chosen to deal with the crisis. If we compare The United States with Europe or Japan, we see that the American economy is doing much better than the other two. This phenomenon may have something to do with some of the following: fiscal stimulus was larger in US, the nonfinancial corporate sector is less reliant on bank credit, bond markets have improved which stimulated investments, and many financial and nonfinancial organizations went radical restructuration and improved productivity. In Japan, due to the appreciation of the yen, the countrys exports f eel dramatically, which ultimately impacts the recovery process. Similar situation can be observed in Europe. Some of the economies of this region suffered a major contraction, not only because of the financial crisis, but the real estate too. Overall the economical and financial conditions present themselves as fragile and difficult. There are some signs of recovery, especially in the emerging economies, and is expected that this will help along the recovery process of the advanced economies.  [18]   3.2 Regional outlook Asia is leading the global recovery and the regions contribution to global growth will continue to exceed that of other regions in the next two years, (Source: The International Monetary Fund). China registered 8.4 percent growth last year, and the projections for the next year are similar (9%growth in GDP for 2010). In the region, the GDP has increased 6.8 percent in 2009. The recovery process has been driven by exports combined with low internal demand and ultimately low household consumption. The inflow of capital in the region has increased, stimulating investments and speeding up the recovery process. According to IMF, for the next period of time, Asias main policy challenge will remain to achieve a rebalancing of growth from external to domestic sources. On global level, there is a political and economical issue regarding the Chinese government decision not to appreciate their local currency, and the way this decision is affecting the world trade. Europe, especially the emerging nations, was strongly hit by the financial crisis. In this region the GDP decreased by approximately 4.6 percent in 2009. The projections for 2010 GDP show an increase of 2.3 and 2.2 percent in 2011. The growth rates in most economies in the region will remain slow, due to major contraction in exports and weak capital inflow. Besides the already mentioned factors, other variables such as : high unemployment, real estate crisis, bank restructuring operations, tight credit policies, and high interest rates will also restrain the recovery process. Other regions, such as Latin America and the Caribbean seem to be dealing with the crisis a little bit better than other countries .The last year GDP registered a 2.6 percent drop, and the prognosis for 2010 and 2011 are quite optimistic showing a growth of 3.1 percent and 3.6 percent, respectively. The recovery process is still relatively slow, due to weaker investment and not enough tourism, both important sources of external finances. The lack of tourism may be explained by high unemployment in United States and other high-income countries. The Middle East and North Africa region experienced, an overall GDP growth slowing to 2.9 percent in 2009. The forecasts for 2010 show an increase in GDP of 3.7 percent in 2010 and 4.4 percent by 2011. These projections regarding the recovery process are based on few assumptions such as: the global demand for oil will increase, and oil prices will stabilize. The financial and economical crisis and their effects were not felt as deep in the region of South Asia. In this area, the GDP registered 5.7 percent growth in 2009. This represented a slowing of growth comparing to the boom period, mainly due to a significant decrease in investments, correlated with low domestic demand. The projections for 2010 and 2011 look optimistic: 6.9 and 7.4 percent respectively. 3.4 Local outlook According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), the US economy is still growing, but at a slower pace than the first quarter of 2010(2.4% versus 3.7% in the first quarter of 2010). Some of the reasons that will restrain the recovery process are the following: The financial institution will need to recover from losses due to loan defaults. In order to boost the recovery process, the government offered numerous stimulus packages. The housing market registered slight improvements, but failed to meet the expectation. The main disruption in the housing sector was caused by a dramatic drop in house prices, and hou

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Mexico :: essays research papers

Why should I invest in Mexico? Mexico has established itself as one of the biggest emerging markets in the world today. It has exhibited many of the signs of a high growth economy, offering several advantages to prospective investors. Some highlights of the Mexican economy include single-digit inflation, a balanced public budget, real economic growth (presently at a rate of 12 percent), a deregulated economy and a favorable investment climate etc. Mexico also possesses a strategic geographic location as a gateway to Latin American markets. Mexico is among the fastest- growing export markets for the United States. In 1985, Mexico became the third largest market for total U.S. exports, behind Canada and Japan. In 1992, Mexico surpassed Japan as the second largest export market for U.S. manufactured goods. Mexico now has become the second most important U.S. trading partner after Canada. U.S. exports to Mexico have grown at double-digit annual rates in every year since 1995, culminating in an astonishing 28 percent growth in 2000. U.S. exports to Mexico grew from $46 billion in 1995 to more than $112 billion in 2000 -- more than our 3rd and 4th largest trading partners, Japan and the U.K., combined, and more than double the value of U.S. exports to the entire European Community. U.S. export growth to Mexico has been buoyed by strong growth in Mexican GDP. The Mexican economy grew a remarkable 7 percent in 2000. Growth declined sharply in 2001, however, in concert with the economic slowdown in the United States. Projections for 2001 have been scaled downward from an initial 5.5 percent to a second quarter estimate of 2.5 percent, and are likely to go lower still. This could be the first year since the inception of NAFTA that U.S. exports to Mexico fail to grow at double-digit rates. Political developments in Mexico have contributed to the country's long-term market potential. On July 2, 2000, voters elected a more plural Congress and chose Vicente Fox of the opposition PAN party as President, ending 71 years of one-party rule by the PRI at the federal level. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of Fox's victory, which marks the first opposition presidency in Mexico's modern era, and symbolizes Mexico's march toward increased pluralism and more open democracy. Fox's priorities include expanding legal avenues for Mexicans seeking employment in the United States, reaching a lasting peace in Chiapas, enhancing foreign trade and investment, and reforming Mexico's fiscal policies.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Bottle nose dolphins

Dolphins live in large water bodies which may either be salty or fresh waters. They are thirty two types of dolphins where by bottle nose dolphin is on of them. Bottle nose dolphins are taxonomically classified as follows; they belong to the class animalia, order- catecea, sub order-odontoceti, family-delphinidae, genus-turssiops and speacies-truncutus. Bottle nose dolphin is the most well known cetaceans’. This is due to its use in marine parks, research activities, and in navy sensing example it’s used by United States navy to sense an enemy. The bottle nose dolphin is mostly found at along the shores of United States.Through research scientists have been able to show that they are two species of bottle nose dolphins existing. The common one is turssiops trancutus which is found in most warm tropical oceans. Their color sometimes almost blue has a dark line from beak to blowhole. The second type of bottle nose dolphin is the indo-Pacific bottle nose dolphin turssiops aduncus living in waters around India-Australia and south china. Bottle nose dolphin hunting and strategies Bottle nose dolphin show aggressive behavior in its environment as they pursue prey and predators they fight among themselves when they are competing for food.Some researchers’ have established that some species of bottle nose dolphins kill harbor porpoises. However they do not eat them but they just kill the porpoises to reduce competition for food. Dolphins have large dorsal fins which help in movement, the fins will a dolphin to quickly attack its prey, the fins therefore play a major role in hunting where if the fins were not large enough it would be very difficult for the dolphin to feed. The main menu of the bottle nose dolphin consist of small fish and occasionally feed on squid, crabs ,shrimp and other small animals.Normally they have got cone-shaped strong teeth which they use to grasp their prey. Each bottle nose dolphin is capable of hunting for its own food, but when they are many they apply some skills and strategy whereby they communicate through squeaks, whistles, body language, slapping of tails and butting of head to alert fellow dolphins on presence of food source. They are able to direct a shoal of fish and keep them together as they kill and eat them. They also practice fish whacking where by the stunned fish and thrown out of water where it is easily caught.Bottle nose dolphins also locate prey by producing sound and latter listening to the echo. The echo is transmitted through two small ears near the eye . thus when the echo is returning the object of interest is approached as the echo grows louder. This process of hunting is called etholocation. Bottle nose dolphins have got a strong signal sense; advanced spectral qualities which are well distributed thus help in echolocation qualities. The bottle nose dolphins have sharp eye sight located at the sides of the head and have a reflecting membrane at the back of their retina w hich aids vision in time of dim light.They are also able to both in deep water and air. Conclusion: From the above discussion it is clear that Bottle noser dolphins have unique hunting skills, they have large dorsal fins that help in fast movement which help it catch its food, there are however many types of dolphins, there are over 32 types of dolphins which have differing characteristics and hunting strategies. References: Sea world organization (2008) bottle nose dolphins, retrieved on 26th May, available at http://www. seaworld. org/infobooks/Bottlenose/home. html

Friday, November 8, 2019

School Vouchers Essays - Education Economics, Alternative Education

School Vouchers Essays - Education Economics, Alternative Education School Vouchers Education School Vouchers There has been a lot of debate recently over the use of school vouchers. Voucher programs offer students attending both public and private schools tuition vouchers. It gives taxpayers the freedom to pick where their tax dollars go. In theory, good schools will thrive with money and bad schools will lose students and close its doors. Most people feel that taking taxpayer money from public schools and using this money as vouchers for private schools is a violation of the constitution. Most private schools in America right now are run by religious organizations. There has been a lot of controversy over this issue mainly because of the importance of an education in a modern society. School choice initiatives are based on the premise that allowing parents to choose what schools their children attend is not only the right thing to do, but is also an important way for improving education. Instead of a one-size-fits-all model, School choice programs offer parents various options from which to pick the educational settings they believe will work best for their child. However, there is Supporters of school vouchers claim that it levels the educational playing field for lower income families who would have the option to send their kids away from an ineffective poorly funded public schools. Some lower class families feel that their kids would have a better chance with a tuition voucher to go to a private school where more money is spent on education. Many feel that vouchers would undermine public schools, by taking away public money for smaller class sizes, teacher training and innovative curriculum. Also, many feel that vouchers would erode the support for public education. In Milwaukee, voucher schools say they do not give special services to students with disabilities. Most of the voucher schools refused to sign a letter that they will honor constitutional rights such as free speech and due process. The letter stated that the schools would not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, pregnancy, or marital status. Despite the controversy surrounding vouchers, the private school choice movement may be gaining support. In June of 1999, The Florida legislature approved a plan to give children in the state's worst schools taxpayer-funded tuition payments to attend qualified public, private, or religious schools. While state-accepted programs that provide public money for students to attend private and religious schools are already in place in Cleveland and Milwaukee, the Florida action is important because it is the first comprehensive voucher plan to be approved by a state. However, this year, a Florida judge struck down the Floridas legislature year old program that allows students to get away from troubled and poorly funded schools. The Judge stated tax dollars may not be used to send the children of this state to private schools, the Judge ruled. He based his decision on the 1998 amendment that Florida voters added to the state constitution declaring an efficient, safe, secure and high-quality system of free public schools to be a paramount duty of the state. Judges in a lower court have had mixed rulings on this issue. Some judges have upheld the voucher programs and some have struck them down. This issue is yet to be decided by the US Supreme Court and continues to cause debate until the Supreme Court settles it.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

faustus essays

faustus essays Throughout literature, relationships can often be found between the author of a story and the story that he writes. In Geoffrey Chaucer's frame story, Canterbury Tales, many of the characters make this idea evident with the tales that they tell. A distinct relationship can be made between the character of the Pardoner and Through the Prologue to the Pardoner's tale, the character of the Pardoner is revealed. Although the Pardoner displays many important traits, the most prevalent is his greed. Throughout the prologue, the Pardoner displays his greed and even admits that the only thing he cares about is money: "I preach nothing except for gain" ("Pardoner's Tale", Line 105). This avarice is seen strongly in the Pardoner's tale as well. In the Pardoner's tale, three friends begin a journey in order to murder Death. On their journey, though, an old man leads them to a great deal of treasure. At this point, all three of the friends in the tale display a greed similar to the Pardoner's. The three friends decide that someone should bring bread and wine for a celebration. As the youngest of the friends leaves to go buy wine, the other two greedily plot to kill him so they can split the treasure only two ways. Even the youngest decides to "put it in his mind to buy poison With which he might kill his two companions" (383, 384). The greed, which is evident in the character of the Pardoner, is also clearly seen in the tale. Another trait that is displayed by the Pardoner and a character in his tale is hypocrisy. Although the Pardoner is extremely greedy, he continues to try and teach that "Avarice is the root of all evil" (6). The characters in his tale display great hypocrisy as well. As the tale begins, the friends all act very trustworthy and faithful towards all of their friends. They nobly make a decision to risk their lives while trying to slay their friend's ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Comprehensive Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Comprehensive - Case Study Example The table shows the amount of cubic metres saved each quarter, the average amount of dollar that is saved per quarter together with the total amount saved for the whole year from the water usage reduction. The second value adder available for the company is the efficiency in capital structure. In 2012 the company saved $42M in interest expense as a result of low borrowing costs and ability to raise funds at low effective costs (Petretti 56-63). The total amount of money that was saved by the company from this value adder is further shown in detail by the respective table. The table shows the metrics saved in the 2010 through to 2013, the average amount of dollar that is saved per year together with the total amount saved on average for the whole year 2012 from the low cost borrowing. The last value adder for the Coca Cola Company is the electricity efficiency improvement, which focuses on how to improve the company’s electricity usage efficiency. A look at the period (2010-2013) shows that the company is saving $ 2.74 for every kilowatt-hour per terabyte. This value adder’s metric was calculated using its financials of the years 2010 to 2014 as well as Atlanta’s commercial user’s electricity cost or price. The table shows the cost of electricity used by the company as well as the effect on shareholders’ value. A thorough and extensive research conducted on the company also revealed some inherent risks that the company needs to address. The Coca Cola Company borrows funds and it is therefore subject to interest rate fluctuations and investment changes. These fluctuations pose a risk on the company and may therefore lead to sudden changes of the Coca Cola expenses. In addition, the company possesses marketing risks that can considerably impact its image. The company needs to address these threats for it to be successful in the future. The Coca Cola Company adopted water stewardship in 2012. This program has resulted to a

Friday, November 1, 2019

ANIMAL SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

ANIMAL SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS - Essay Example Animal experiments are considered very useful for the last centuries, whereby they are applied in physiological studies and processes. In fact, this contributes to development of new medical methods, though there are people opposing use of these experiments. These opponents have been giving reasons that scientists prioritize their experiments over animals. On the other hand, there are claims that animal experiments lacks transferability to man, thereby rendering the experiment using animals useless (Hackam & Redelmeier, 2006, 1731). In this case, these experiments are useless; thus, they cause unnecessary suffering to animals due to the curiosity of these scientists. There is an aspect of cruelty in animals’ experiments, though this applies to man if he undergoes the same procedure. Operative techniques and chance of using the anaesthesia was not adequate until the use of animal experiments. Therefore, discovery of anaesthesia has made a substantial contribution to medical field, whereby this has been facilitated to routine animal experiments. Animal experiments have been performed as way of serving consumer protection. Numerous experimental animals have been applied in countries like Germany in 2005 in order to identify a control of the toxicology testing procedures (Exner, 2007, 1). In fact, this entails tests conducted for drug tolerability and testing risk in environment due to industrial waste in water. Nevertheless, numerous animal experiments have been conducted legally through a prescription and a precondition in order to seek approval of some drugs and other substances that are used by human beings. There is a connection between the medical progress and the fundamental researches using animals’ experiments. For instance, various medical applications have been applied in through knowledge gathered from the researches that involve animal experiments such as development of methods for dealing with diabetes mellitus.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Stress and Strain Physics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Stress and Strain Physics - Coursework Example Strain is a measure of any particular change in the shape of an object while stress is a measure of the strength of a particular material. Because of this research problem, we will incorporate the concept of elastic modulus to help understand the problem and address the research question. Elastic modulus is a measure of the amount of the stress required to make a change in the shape of an object (Redman, 2006). The question of research The major research questions that this research seeks to investigate and address are the concepts and the basic terms of stress and strain. The research will also look into various types stress and the mathematical formulae and equations involved in understanding the concepts investigated. Finally this research paper will look into the stress strain curve. This research paper will help us understand the variability and relationship between stress and strain, this will enhance our ability to standardize the equations and the variables involved in the co ncepts of strain and stress. The main objective of this research papers is to shed light on the concepts of strain and stress and to address the relationship between the two terms. The equations and formulae involved are just to help us conceptualize and master the two concepts in addressing our research problem stated in the introduction above. ... On the other hand, strain is a deformation due to a twist of a solid due to the action of stress. This gives the extent to which an object is stretched due to stress. Hence strain in a product of stress or rather stress causes strain. As stated earlier in the introductory part of this research paper, we will look into various types of stress which will be elaborated in the subject of research area. Generally there are three distinct types of stress that results from subjecting an object to stress. If an object is compressed or stretched, that particular object is subjected to what we refer to as a tensile stress. If another object if put under a force a long a whole surface and the volume of the object is altered, then we refer to that particular experience as a bulk stress. Lastly, it acts tangentially to the surface and results into a twist of the object, then we refer to that as a shear stress (Tipler, 1995). As the major objective of this research paper, we are going to investiga te some of the major concepts of stress and strain that will help us as students to understand the two terms. Some of the major concepts that we as students may find challenging when learning about stress and strain include: Deformation of rocks; we often difficult for us to realize that rocks too get broken or bent. It is also challenging to realize the forces responsible for events such as faults and folds. This can be seconded by those who live in areas which are tectonically stable and have never experienced any such thing as tremors. If we have to understand the basic terms of strain and stress, we must therefore rise above this barrier because it will not be easy to understand the conditions and causes of deformation if we cannot comprehend the word deformation itself.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Investigating electric potential Essay Example for Free

Investigating electric potential Essay A graph of V against 1/d gives a straight line with positive slope from x=0. 05m. It shows that the electric potential measured by the probe is inversely proportional to the distance of the probe from the surface of the sphere. Discussion:   A voltmeter or a CRO cannot be used to measure the electric potential at a point in the air because both instruments draw a small current to produce a deflection and this will disturb the electric field.   With no flame, the probe may acquire an induced charge and thus affect the field around it, altering the potential at the needle. Therefore, a flame probe is used. It produces positive and negative ions which discharge the needle so that the needle becomes uncharged due to neutralization. Since the needle is now neutralized, its potential is the same as the original potential. Sources of error: When measuring the distance of the probe from the centre of the sphere, a piece of string with a mass attached was dropped from the sphere for locating the zero mark of the meter ruler. This may not be accurate as the sting may not be vertically below the centre of the sphere   Precautions: 1. The wire which connects the needle and the electroscope cannot touch the bench or any other earthed conductor. This is to prevent charge leakage. 2. The charged sphere must be well away from the walls and the bench top as the induced charges on these objects will upset electric field. Conclusion:   Between two parallel plates: the electric potential remains constant at constant distance from the metal plates the electric potential is proportionally to the distance from the earthed plates   Around a charged sphere: the electric potential remains constant at constant distance from the centre of sphere the electric potential is inversely proportionally to the distance from the surface of sphere

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Ugly Ambition in Shakespeares Macbeth :: Macbeth essays

Ugly Ambition in Macbeth       The Bard of Avon saturates the pages of the tragedy Macbeth with ugly feelings of ambition - unprincipled ambition which is ready to kill for itself. Let's thoroughly search out the major instances of ambitious behavior by the husband-wife team.    In "Macbeth as the Imitation of an Action" Francis Fergusson states the place of Macbeth's ambition in the action of the play:    It is the phrase "to outrun the pauser, reason [2.3]," which seems to me to describe the action, or motive, of the play as a whole. Macbeth, of course, literally means that his love for Duncan was so strong and so swift that it got ahead of his reason, which would have counseled a pause. But in the same way we have seen his greed and ambition outrun his reason when he committed the murder; and in the same way all of the characters, in the irrational darkness of Scotland's evil hour, are compelled in their action to strive beyond what they can see by reason alone. Even Malcolm and Macduff, as we shall see, are compelled to go beyond reason in the action which destroys Macbeth and ends the play. (106-7)    Fanny Kemble in "Lady Macbeth" refers to the ambition of Lady Macbeth:      [. . .] to have seen Banquo's ghost at the banqueting table ... and persisted in her fierce mocking of her husband's terror would have been impossible to human nature. The hypothesis makes Lady Macbeth a monster, and there is no such thing in all Shakespeare's plays. That she is godless, and ruthless in the pursuit of the objects of her ambition, does not make her such. (118)    In "Memoranda: Remarks on the Character of Lady Macbeth," Sarah Siddons mentions the ambition of Lady Macbeth and its effect:    [Re "I have given suck" (1.7.54ff.)] Even here, horrific as she is, she shews herself made by ambition, but not by nature, a perfectly savage creature. The very use of such a tender allusion in the midst of her dreadful language, persuades one unequivocally that she has really felt the maternal yearnings of a mother towards her babe, and that she considered this action the most enormous that ever required the strength of human nerves for its perpetration. Her language to Macbeth is the most potently eloquent that guilt could use.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay --

During adolescents, there is an increased vulnerability for depression due to biological, cognitive, and socio-environmental changes. For this paper, I will be discussing Scarlet, a 16 year old Hispanic female whose parents have divorced two years ago, and because of that Scarlet has been displaying symptoms of Persistent Depressive Disorder and Oppositional and Defiant Disorder. This paper will review literature which supports Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as being an effective form of treatment for depression with adolescents. I will also review literature which supports Family Therapy as being an effective treatment for adolescents with parent-child relational problems. I will also discuss any issues related to culture, ethnicity, and age regarding Scarlet and her family. Client’s Presenting Problems Scarlet is a sixteen year old Hispanic female who resides in Edison with her biological mother. Scarlet is currently a junior at JP Steven’s high school. Scarlet was referred because she is displaying symptoms of depression as evidenced by isolating herself from her family and peers, irritability, excessive sleeping, a history of suicidal ideations, and a loss of interests she used to enjoy. Scarlet also displays oppositional and defiant behaviors as evidenced by constant argumentative behavior, anger outbursts, refusal to follow the rules, and cursing and screaming at her mom on a daily basis. Scarlet was hospitalized at UMDNJ for six days in January of 2013 following an incident where a truant officer picked her off of the street. Scarlet’s mother reported Scarlet was texting her â€Å"I wish I was dead.† Scarlet’s mother reported both parents divorced two years ago and Scarlet’s behavior began to decline shortly... ...e to her age and her issues could not be taken serious simply because she is a â€Å"teenager†. In conclusion, There is an increased vulnerability for depression in adolescents due to biological, cognitive, and socio-environmental changes. For this paper, I discussed Scarlet, a 16 year old Hispanic female whose parents have divorced two years ago, and because of that Scarlet has been displaying symptoms of Persistent Depressive Disorder and Oppositional and Defiant Disorder. I reviewed literature which supports Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as being an effective form of treatment for depression with adolescents. I will also reviewed literature which supports Family Therapy as being an effective treatment for adolescents with parent-child relational problems. Scarlet will most likely benefit from CBT and family therapy given the involvement of her parents in therapy.